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Repair process
Guangdong Biolight Meditech Co., Ltd. customer service headquarters in Zhuhai economic special zone with 21 service centers, service points are placed all over the country. Professional engineers with high level respond quickly to customer needs,provide installation, training, maintenance, and end user testing,etc all-round high quality service. If customer has any questions, it can be resolved by:
1, Call customer service hotline: 4008818233 (both mobile phone and telephone can be dialed through).
2, Scan two-dimensional code on the service card of machine to facilitate online repairing online.
3, According to the contact information on the service card for fast communication.
4, Communicate with local engineers across the country.
5, When you do not get a satisfactory answer, please call below for complaint: Manager Li, 15820568110.
Guangdong Biolight Customer Service Center
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Add: инновации первая дорога, технологические инновации побережья, Чжухай, Китай.
Тел.: + 86-756-3399935 3399900 Факс: + 86-756-3399911 E-mail:overseas@blt.com.cn 粤ICP备17076516号-2